Pioneer® Seeds Products

See Pioneer Seeds’ canola hybrids at Tosari field day

The Tosari Crop Research Centre (TCRC), a grower-owned research farm on the Darling Downs, will be hosting one of its popular field days on Friday, 8 September.

Visit the Tosari Field Day on Friday, 8 September Visit the Tosari Field Day on Friday, 8 September

One of Australia’s largest cropping research stations, TCRC offers researchers unique opportunities to conduct short and long-term trials with its significant on-farm water storage, along with bore and river irrigation options.

Pioneer Seeds is pleased to have the opportunity to demonstrate our Clearfield® and Clearfield®+Triazine tolerant canola hybrids at the Tosari centre, where you’ll be able to see them on 8 September.

The field day coincides with increasing grower interest in the expanding canola production footprint in non-traditional growing regions of Queensland and Northern NSW.

The field day is also an opportunity to experience sessions on the latest in crop protection, nutrition, wheat, barley, canola genetics, pasture and agronomy practices.

On display will be new solutions in spray technology and the first fully autonomous fixed-wing spray drone, as well as new digital solutions for managing crop nutrition and water usage.

It will also be a great opportunity to meet up with Pioneer Seeds Territory Sales Manager, Central and Southern Downs, Ben Thrift.

Tosari Crop Research Centre field day*

WHEN: Friday, 8 September from 8.30 am until midday.

WHERE: Tosari Crop Research Centre, 1149 Millmerran-Leyburn Road, Tummaville (parking on Yarramalong Road).

More information

Maree Crawford
M: 0427 757 418  

* Organisers: Tosari Crop Research Centre, GRDC, Elders, Nutrien Ag Solutions

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