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Pioneer’s hybrid naming system is designed to help growers instantly recognise the base genetics, comparative relative maturity (CRM) and traits of a corn hybrid.

All Pioneer brand corn hybrid names will begin the letter P, indicating a Pioneer brand hybrid, followed by four numbers. The first two numbers will identify the approximate CRM of the platform. For platforms over 100 CRM, only the last two digits will be used, thus hybrid P1481 would have a CRM of approximately 114.

The second pair of numbers (in P1481, the numbers “81”) is a random number.

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To identify added traits, the naming system will offer letters following the number to indicate exactly which traits are contained in the hybrid. For example, a corn hybrid named P1315-IT features Imidazolinone Tolerance. For waxy corn hybrids, there will be an “E” and for white corn hybrids, “W” will be used.

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Pioneer® Seeds has the most extensive range of proven hybrids in all regions and growing environments across Australia.
To determine the best hybrid for your growing environment, visit our corn hybrids page and use the filter menu options to view corn hybrids for grain.

There are a few practical steps to follow to ensure the yield from your corn crop is maximised. These are outlined in our Corn Growers Guide, a corn planting guide which provides helpful information on corn seeds, growing field corn, maize farming, planting seasons and more.

Contact your local grain merchant to establish a grain marketing plan. Your merchant will help you to decide which market to produce grain for. Once you’ve determined the grain end-use where, your local Pioneer® area Territory Sales Manager can work with you to determine the best Pioneer® brand corn seed hybrids to buy and where is best to plant them.

Grain is normally traded on a dry (14% moisture) tonne basis. Speak to your local grain merchant regarding market acceptance specifications or refer to the Grain Trade Australia website for the current market specifications for corn.

Monitoring grain moisture content during the "dry-down" phase will enable timely harvest to be undertaken. Ideal grain moisture content at harvest is generally considered to be between 22-24%. Usually your merchant representative can help with crop moisture monitoring.

Harvest practices should attempt to minimise the amount of soil compaction in the cropping area. Selecting laneways throughout the paddock will limit compaction damage. The laneways can then receive special cultivation treatment to overcome any compaction if considered necessary. Care in handling of grain is just as important as using the right techniques when growing seed corn. The aim is to maintain the integrity of each kernel. Excessively chipped and cracked grain may carry payment penalties.

Ensure all augers are well maintained and unload grain onto grain when filling bulk bins. Grain stored in bulk bins awaiting transport should be protected from rain.

Several land use options are available in the period between corn crops. Some growers choose to leave the area ‘fallow’ over the winter period.

Ideally, stubble should be shredded and the area shallow cultivated (normally using discs or power-harrow) to incorporate the stubble to the extent of approximately 50% into the soil. This practice promotes the rapid breakdown of the stubble, which in turn, reduces the likelihood of fungal disease carrying over to the next crop.

Studies have shown the benefit of corn in a cotton rotation. Contact your local Pioneer® representative if you require further information on maize farming or where to buy Pioneer® brand corn seeds.

Pioneer® Seeds has the most extensive range of proven hybrids in all regions and growing environments across Australia. Making the right decisions about the corn silage hybrid you plant maximises the investment you make in your crop. To determine the best hybrid for your growing environment, visit our corn hybrids page and use the filter menu options to view corn hybrids for silage.

No two dairy farm or feedlot systems are the same. You need to identify what you want to achieve.

Many Australian farmers use corn silage as forage to:

  • increase and maintain cow condition
  • extend lactation (in dairy systems)
  • overcome feed shortages
  • maximise pasture utilisation

To help you feed-out at the right time to achieve your goals, we strongly recommend you undertake a free, no obligation FarmCheck™ where one of our experienced Pioneer representatives will come out to your farm and undertake an analysis of your operation and then, taking into account your farming goals, recommend the opportunities for your farm.

It's not vital to spend any extra money on gear. You can keep your system very simple by using your existing tractor and feed-out wagon to feed corn silage in the paddock when ground conditions are dry.

There is very little wastage with corn silage fed in bins on a feed pad. Farmers who feed corn silage in the paddock, when ground conditions are dry, also report very little wastage.

No. Many farmers feeding corn silage have found it takes little extra time to feed. In fact, some farmers with feed pads report a decrease in their workload, as the cows come up the race on their own.

This shows how good a grass farmer you are. Good grass managers have the greatest opportunity to make the most money out of feeding corn silage as forage.

It depends on what your goals are. In the future, you may want to intensify to enable your farm to support two families. Other farmers intensify so they can employ labour and spend more time enjoying off-farm business or leisure activities.

Don't worry. There is help available to you. If you are unsure of what to do or how to get started growing and harvesting corn for silage, contact your local Pioneer® Seeds representative.

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With dedicated and highly skilled team members located throughout Australia you can be sure of accessing the best local knowledge to help you maximise your investment in Pioneer® brand hybrid seed. Get in touch with your local Territory Sales Manager or Farm Services Consultant today.

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